The Empress of the Peace Tower

Empress Day is December 11

                                      Celebrate Empress day every December 11. . . Coming This Dec 2025!



"The pen is mightier than the sword . . ."

If you follow poetry,

you will grow up;

you will take on spiritual stature;

you will be better able to bear

the things we all have to bear,

you will have a continuing 

and permanent

rampart to the mind.


William Rose Benet

The Empress Portal invites you to a feast of the fantastical by postmodern poet Emily Isaacson. Lean into the lush gardens of literature, the castles of the mind, medieval wanings of the internet realms, or domains and portals to the hearts of mankind.

Emily Isaacson portrays a celestial realm to which we travel on the Clay Road. On our way, we will follow various signs to guide us, hear instructions of prophecy and even see an eagle overhead from the constellation of Aquila called the Empress Clay.

You can read more about the Empress Clay, her story, and how she once helped the First Nations People in A Familiar Shore... Read More


Released Dec 11

The Fleur-de-lis. . .  

by Emily Isaacson  697 pages

Emily Isaacson’s imagery is rich and full of colour. Her sensitivity to the world and its people, its animal life and the beauty of nature come through strongly. Poets are somewhat like prophets. They allow us to see the 'unseeable' and open up vistas of worlds beyond our imagining.

May your message of poetry reach all . . .

The Poor Clare Sisters

St. Clare Monastery

Read more . . .

Medieval Tapestry Series


                                   Visit the Clay Road Tapestry, an online multimedia special

                                   created by Author Emily Isaacson: click here


Join the Empress

Join the empress portal on Myspace: click here